Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is serious a viral infection of the liver that is spread through infected blood or bodily fluids.

It’s transmission can be caused by the use of contaminated needles, blood products or unprotected sexual contact. The infection can lead to severe liver problems and is often fatal. Hepatitis B is 100 timesmore infectious than HIV.

Immunisation is available but not routinely recommended for travellers unless they’re likely to be at increased risk through work or other activities.

The Hepatitis B virus causes infection of the liver. The signs and symptoms of Hepatitis B can range from mild fever, flu-like symptoms, gastro-intestinal upset (such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea), abdominal pain and jaundice (yellow skin and eyes).

Hepatitis B occurs worldwide. Areas where there is a higher risk of exposure to hepatitis B include Eastern Europe, Russia, India, China, South and Central America, Africa, South East Asia and many islands in the South Pacific.

Hepatitis B is a vaccine-preventable disease. To ensure you are fully protected against Hepatitis B we recommend either:

course of three injections of Energix B to cover against Hepatitis B
course of three injections of Twinrix to cover against Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B
The vaccine is a course of three injections, which can be given rapidly over a one month period or more routinely over a six month period.