Genital herpes

In 2009, over 30,000 new cases of gential herpes were seen at GUM clinics in Britain. In addition, it is believed that some thousands of other people developed herpes but were not seen at a clinic.

Genital herpes is a highly contagious viral condition caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). It is similar to the herpes that occurs on the hands and face (cold sores), but is instead found on the penis, anus or vaginal areas.

Two types of herpes virus HSV-1 & HSV-2 can both cause genital herpes.

Redness and tingling in the affected area, then ulcers similar to cold sores appear. Discharge may also be experienced. After the episode, the sores heal without scars. Outbreaks can repeat several times in a year. First outbreak is usually more severe and has flu-like symptoms. Herpes is not fatal and does not cause infertility.

It’s transmitted primarily through physical and sexual contact. During birth, the presence of herpes simplex virus in the birth canal is a threat to the infant’s life.

How is it treated?

There is no treatment that can eradicate herpes virus from the body. Anti-viral medication can be used to control the outbreaks and creams are applied to numb the pain. You should not have sex whilst you have an episode.