Reiki is an ancient method of healing, which uses energy drawn from a higher source.
Reiki restores the natural balance of the body, providing deep relaxation and bringing a sense of peace and well being. Reiki heals the physical emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Reiki is a simple non-intrusive hands-on technique of natural healing.
Reiki is a healing system that is a safe, natural and holistic way of treating many acute and chronic conditions and bringing about spiritual, mental and emotional well-being. These conditions include:
- Stress
- Sinusitis
- Menstral problems
- Cystitis
- Migraine
- Asthma
- M.E.
- Arthritis
- Menopausal problems
- Back Pain
- Anxiety and tension
- Depression
- Insomnia and sciatica
Reiki is suitable for everyone, including the very young, elderly, pregnant women and those recovering from surgery. It is a great tonic, and if you are in good health will help you to stay that way.
Reiki can be used in conjunction with orthodox medicine.
The Reiki Ideals
Just for today do not worry
Just for today do not anger
Honour your parents, teachers and elders
Earn your living honestly
Show gratitude to every living thing
Dr. Mikao Usui
The Road
If you are walking
On the right parth
No danger
Of this world
Will affect you
Usui Mikao